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Ryan Troianol |
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Gerry Vessels |
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Adam Feltwell |
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Matt Johnson |
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Darrick Kobierowski |
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Phone: (609) 522-1110 |
Fax: (609) 729-7206 |
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to watch a video:
"Its Better to be Safe than Sorry" |
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2019 FMBA Local 50 Retirees BBQ |
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On Wednesday, August 28th members of the FMBA Local #50 hosted their annual retirees B-B-Q at fire headquarters. Both career and part time Firefighters who worked for the department, some over 40 years ago, attended. Some traveled over multiple states from where their careers lead them. State FMBA representatives were also present. Great night reminiscing about the past. Thank you to all who attended and made it a great evening.
Baker Avenue Dwelling Fire |
City Firefighters were dispatched to the 400 West Block of Baker Avenue for a reported dwelling fire around 12:40pm this afternoon, August 28th. Squad 3, under the command of Captain Aldo Sacco, along with NWFD Quint 2 arrived and found smoke issuing from a motel unit of a four unit occupied building. The fire was quickly extinguished and with fire damage held to the room of origin. The fire unit was not occupied during the incident.
Firefighters from Stone Harbor, Rio Grande, West Wildwood and Wildwood Crest covered the city during the incident. Wildwood Crest EMS also staged at Wildwood Fire Headquarters. Wildwood Police assisted with traffic and crowd control. No injuries were reported. Damage is estimated at $50,000 resulting in the building being completely shut-down and occupants relocated.
Wildwood City Fire Department and the Cape May County Fire Marshal's Office investigated and determined the fire to be accidental. Units cleared after operating on scene for about an hour and a half. MORE PHOTOS
Two New Career Firefighters Sworn In |
Pictured Left to Right: Chief Daniel Speigel, Probationary FF Chad Alvarado, Commissioner Tony Leonetti, Probationary FF Jake Spiegel, Deputy Chief Ernest Troiano III |
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Congratulations to Wildwood City Fire Departments newest members. Probationary Firefighters Jake Spiegel #41 and Chad Alvarado #42 who were sworn in July 1, 2019. These two members are filling two vacant positions created from a retirement and a transfer. Good luck men and be safe. Welcome to the family. MORE PHOTOS
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Four New Career Firefighters Sworn In |
Pictured Left to Right: Probationary FF Rayquan Walker, Probationary FF David Speigel Jr., Commissioner Tony Leonetti, Chief Daniel Speigel, Probationary FF John Snyder, Probationary FF John Sharp |
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Four new career firefighters received their oaths Jan. 26, 2018 before a packed room filled with family, friends, officials and their fellow firefighters.
Rayquan Walker, David Speigel Jr., John Snyder and John Sharp were each sworn in by Wildwood Commissioner Tony Leonetti.
"This is a great day for the City of Wildwood," Leonetti said. "Our fire department is one of the best and most highly skilled departments in the state. And the addition of these four firefighters will only enhance our ability to serve and protect our residents and our visitors." Leonetti added that the city was able to hire the four new firefighters via a highly competitive Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant.
Working in close conjunction with Triad Associates, the Wildwood Fire Department received a SAFER grant in the amount of $481,984 that will be used for the four new hires. Triad is a Vineland-based community and economic development firm that secured more than $880 million in funding for its clients over the past 39 years.
"Each year FEMA receives approximately 1,500 applications for SAFER grants but only makes awards to fewer than 20 percent." said Todd Noon of Triad Associates. "This program is one of the most competitive grant opportunities available to fire departments."
"We tried for so many years to win a SAFER grant, but were never successful," said Wildwood Fire Chief Daniel Speigel. "This is a great achievement for our department and for the City of Wildwood."
Through the hiring of the four new firefighters the city expects to have shorter response times to calls; have the ability to immediately act offensively on a fire call; have the ability to comply with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards; and better protect lives and property.
2nd Alarm Dwelling Fire W. Maple Ave. |
On Thursday, December 21, 2017 at 12:34 A.M. Wildwood City Firefighters responded to 620 West Maple Avenue in West Wildwood for a reported dwelling fire. Squad 3, under the command of Firefighter Gerry Vessels, North Wildwood Quint 2 and West Wildwood Fire Department were initially dispatched. The all-hands was transmitted prior to any fire departments arrival due to the calls being received. Deputy Chief Ernie Troiano arrived on-scene and reported a three-story wood frame dwelling with heavy fire on floors two and three. Chief Daniel Speigel and West Wildwood Chief Leon Woodruff arrived, assumed command and requested a second alarm.
Crews operated under heavy fire conditions containing the fire to the building of origin. Buildings adjacent to the fire building also suffered heat, smoke and water damage. The building was occupied at the time of the fire. The occupants had evacuated prior to the fire department's arrival. One dog was rescued from the structure by firefighters and turned over to the home owners. The occupants were evaluated on scene but did not require transport. Additional search of the building confirmed all occupants were accounted for.
Fire was placed under control at about 01:45 A.M. The second and third floors of the dwelling sustained severe fire, smoke and water damage. Damage is estimated at $ 200,000.
Fire units operating on scene were Wildwood City, West Wildwood, North Wildwood, Wildwood Crest, Rio Grande, Stone Harbor, Villas, Erma and West Wildwood Police. Cape May Fire, Green Creek Fire and Town Bank Fire covered the island. Ocean View Fire was added as an additional R.I.C.
Fire is being investigated by the Cape May County Fire Marshal's office. Fire units cleared the scene in about two and a half hours. MORE PHOTOS
Wildwood Fire Company No. 1 Assists the Fire Dept. Purchase New Apparatus and Equipment |
The City of Wildwood has recently taken delivery of a new $ 491,000 Pierce fire apparatus with 4x4 capabilities funded entirely by the Federal Emergency Management Agency – Assistance to Firefighter Grant (AFG) program and assisted by the Wildwood Fire Company # 1. FEMA provided $ 464,762 with Wildwood Fire Company # 1 paying the remaining balance of $ 26,563.29 for a total of $ 491,325.29.
This apparatus allows the fire department to access the eastside of the boardwalk onto the beach for fire, medical and water rescue emergencies.
In additional to assisting with the funding of our new fire apparatus, Wildwood Fire Company # 1 also assisted the city in purchasing a new 500 gallon per minute skid-pumping unit, at a cost of over $ 24,000, which was placed onto a 5-ton Army surplus vehicle specifically for dealing with fire emergencies during flooding situations. The new fire apparatus replaced two older pieces of fire equipment (1969 Mack and 1984 Mack) which often was used during storms.
Without the contribution of the Wildwood Fire Company # 1 these purchases would not have been made possible. Between both purchases, along with miscellaneous items, Wildwood Fire Company has donated over $ 65,000 back to the City of Wildwood for firefighting apparatus and equipment.
A sincere THANK YOU to Wildwood Fire Company # 1 for your continuing support of the City of Wildwood Fire Department. MORE PHOTOS
Quick Work Made of Andrews Ave. Kitchen Fire |
At approximately 1:40 PM on August 25, 2017 Wildwood City Firefighters responded to 250 East Andrews Avenue, Unit # 2 for a reported stove fire. Quint Company # 3 - A Platoon, under the command of Captain Daniel Dunn, arrived and had smoke showing from the third floor unit. Captain Dunn requested the box alarm to be filled. Fire was confined to the kitchen area of the dwelling. Investigation discovered the occupants were cooking which resulted in the fire. Estimated damage is $ 5000. No injuries were reported. Units cleared the scene in about an hour.
Additional units on scene:
NWFD Quint 2 (under command of Capt. Blizzard)
Wildwood Police Department
Honorary Fire Chief Jackson Mitchell Presented with His Own Fire Truck |
On August 18, 2017 Honorary Fire Chief Jackson Mitchell received his very own Fire Truck. Last Friday when he was sworn in the apparatus was not delivered yet. Today friends and family were present to witness the delivery. Special thank you to the "Lunch with Lynch" program who partners often with our department to help with our local children struggling with various illnesses. Also a big thank you to Scott Gregg and his crew who customized the Chiefs new apparatus. MORE PHOTOS
Wildwood City FD Holds First Ever Cadet Firefighter Program |
During the week of August 7-11th the Wildwood City Fire Department held our first ever Cadet Firefighter Summer Program. There were 28 children who participated in the program. The Cadets received training on various Fire, EMS, and technical rescue disciplines. Special thanks to Atlanticare Paramedics, NJ Forest Fire Service, Wildwood Police Dept, Wildwood Communications Officers Volpe and Staples, and Wildwood Beach Patrol for assisting on various days of the program. The week was a huge success and ended with a graduation ceremony on Friday.
The cadet's "presented" the colors for the flag salute with their very own honor guard which was formed during the week. A special part of the program was ...when 4 year-old Wildwood Crest native Jackson Mitchell was sworn in as the Honorary Fire Chief for the City of Wildwood Fire Department complete with his own helmet, badge and toy fire truck. His wish of being able to go on a Disney Cruise was also tentatively approved by the "Make-a-wish" foundation. Jackson has a degenerative eye disease which is causing him to lose his eye sight and will soon be completely blind.
Special thanks to all the firefighters who volunteered their time for the program, Firefighter William Cripps who was the CADET program coordinator, all the supporters including Commissioner Leonetti who made this program possible, Chief Stocks and the members of the Wildwood Beach Patrol and to John Lynch of the Lunch with Lynch program who gave the gift of the toy fire truck.
Thank you!!!
Occupant Rescued From Montgomery Ave. Dwelling Fire |
On Wednesday, August 2, 2017 at 4:33 P.M. Wildwood City Firefighters responded to 110 East Montgomery Avenue for reported smoke from a dwelling. Quint 3, under the command of Captain Mathew Johnson and North Wildwood Quint 2, under the command of Captain Jerry Tirotta, were initially dispatched. Chief Daniel Speigel arrived on-scene and reported a two-story wood frame dwelling with smoke showing and requested the alarm upgraded to a box alarm.
Initial reports on-scene were indicating the dwelling may be occupied. An occupant then presented himself on a second floor balcony unable to escape the home. The all-hands was struck having Rio Grande Fire respond to the scene for R.I.T. and Wildwood Crest Fire cover the city. Firefighters gained access to the victim via a ground ladder, removed the railing with a chainsaw and rescued the victim from the second floor balcony. The victim was treated by Wildwood Crest EMS on scene for smoke inhalation and refused transport to CRMC.
Firefighters continued to extinguish the fire and search the home for any other occupants finding none. Fire was placed under control in about 20 minutes after arrival. The first floor of the dwelling sustained severe fire and smoke damage with the second floor sustaining heat and smoke damage. Damage is estimated at $ 25,000.
Units operating on scene were Wildwood City Fire, North Wildwood Fire, Rio Grande Fire, Wildwood Crest EMS and Wildwood Police. Wildwood Crest Fire covered the city and responded to another fire incident on the boardwalk.
Fire was investigated by the Cape May County Fire Marshal’s office and determined to be accidental due to smoking. No other injuries were reported. Fire units cleared the scene in about an hour. MORE PHOTOS
Wildwood City Fire Department Makes History with Swearing in of First Female Career Firefighter and New Chief of Department |
On June 1, 2016 the City of Wildwood Fire Department made history when it swore in its first female career firefighter and a new Chief of Department. Firefighter Christina Sacco, daughter of Captain Aldo Sacco, took her oath of office and had her badge pinned on by her father. Firefighter Sacco joined the Holly Beach Fire Company in 2013 as a volunteer firefighter and then began working part-time for the Municipal Fire Division. Firefighter Sacco also worked as a part-time Firefighter/EMT for the City of North Wildwood and City of Cape May.
After Firefighter Sacco was sworn in it was time to swear in a new Chief of Department. Deputy Fire Chief Daniel Speigel, a 24 year veteran of the Wildwood City FD, was sworn in as the 11th Chief in the Department’s 104 year history. Chief Speigel took his oath of office with his father, Retired Fire Chief Floyd Speigel, and his family looking on. His badge was pinned on by his daughter Sydnee. Chief Speigel began his career in 1992 as a part-time firefighter and was hired full-time in April, 1995. Chief Speigel was promoted to Lieutenant in 2001 and then to Captain in 2003. He was then promoted to Deputy Fire Chief in 2011 before taking a voluntary demotion back to Captain to avoid firefighter layoffs in 2012. Chief Speigel was then promoted again to Deputy Fire Chief in 2013 where he served until June 1st with the retirement of Chief Christopher D’Amico. The officers and members of Wildwood FMBA Local 50 congratulate Chief Speigel on his appointment and extend best wishes for a successful tenure.
Chief Christopher D’Amico Retires After 25 Years of Dedicated Service |
On June 1, 2016 Chief Christopher D’Amico retired from the Wildwood City Fire Department after 25 years of dedicated service. Chief D’Amico followed in the footsteps of his father, Retired Chief John D’Amico who served as Chief of Department from 1971-1982. Chief D’Amico was hired as a career firefighter on August 31, 1991. He was eventually promoted to Fire Captain and assigned to the D Platoon. Chief D’Amico was sworn in as the 10th Chief in the Fire Department’s history after the retirement of Chief Johnson in 2011. During Chief D’Amico’s tenure the Wildwood City Fire Department added staffing, obtained new apparatus and equipment, and continued to take on more responsibilities. Thank you Chief D’Amico for your dedicated service to the Wildwood City Fire Department, the City of Wildwood, and surrounding communities. The officers and members of the entire WFD extend best wishes for a healthy and happy retirement, thank you for your friendship, and wish you good luck in all of your future endeavors. |
August 9-11 ~ 9 a.m.- 12 p.m. |
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September 16 ~ 6 pm-10 pm |
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September 17 ~ 8:30 am-12:30 pm |
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Important facts and figures
for residents
of the City of Wildwood |