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Wildwood Fire Department - 4400 New Jersey Avenue - Wildwood, New Jersey 08260
Bob Karsten
Louis Ranisewski
John Cotney
Paul Reidenbach
Mort Smerling
Mike Johnson
Dave Mattera, Bill Davenport and Jeff Cole
Con Johnson, Len Lauriello, Mark Remy and Ben Ingersoll
Mike Bailey
Steve Popper
Steve Augeullo
Jerry Inderwies and Rich Lundholm
Brad Drummond
Cal, Tom Simms, Mike Neill, Joe Heitzmann, Mike Johnson
Bill Pennock
Harry Wozunk & Matt Woolston
Chris Collier
Chris Collier
Christian Dunn
Ryan Troiano
Wes Asher Chris “Norm” Frazier Steve Nelson
Steve Augeullo Tim Gushue Bob “10–2” Newkirk
Mike Bailey Brian Gillon Bill Pennock
Mark Barham Paul Guelich Troy “Boy” Perkins
Chris Barnett Art Hayden Steve Popper
Dave Barraclough Joe Heitzmann L.J. Raniszewski
Scott “Snuggles” Baxter Mike Hope Lou Raniszewski
Bruce Bieber Jerome Inderweis Joseph Reighn
Mike Blair C.J. Johnson, Sr. (Deceased) Mark Remy
Joe Blong Mike Johnson Tom Renfroe
Andy Boyt (Deceased) Matt Kahn Paul Reidenbach
Andrew Boyt George Karpinski Joe Russo
Jay Brooks Bob Karsten Jack Schellenger
Joshua Carter David Keefe Tom Schuler
Matt Cattell Mike Kinky C.J. Scully
Mark Clauss Brad Ladislaw Tom Simms
Jeff Cole Dr. Kenny Lavelle Mort Smerling (Deceased)
Anthony Cole Mike Linz Dave Speigel
Chris Collier Rich Lundholm Robert Stanton
John Cotney Chris Martino Mike Storck
Charles Cripps Dave Mattera Bill "Reds" Vance (Deceased)
Jeff Cunard Cornelius Maxwell Josh Vandermark
Wayne Cummings Sean McDevitt Bill Weatherby
Dan DiRenzo William McDonnell Kevin Webb
Brad Drummond Hugh McElroy Chris Williams
Christian Dunn Kevin McLaughlin Scott Wilson
Tom Dunn (Deceased) Don Miller Keith Woodrow
Rob Elwell Jasen Mitchell Matt Woolston
Steve Endicott Bill Mulligan Harry Wozunk
Jason Farmer Brian Neill Jeff "Head" Yard
Nick Foglio    
Remember our Members who have
Died in the Line of Duty

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