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Wildwood Fire Department - 4400 New Jersey Avenue - Wildwood, New Jersey 08260
Wildwood Firefighter Darrick Kobierowski Wins
Around the Island Row

August, 2014
Congratulations to Wildwood City Firefighter Darrick Kobierowski for winning the 20-mile Around the Island Row along with his partner Terrance McGovern of the Wildwood Crest Beach Patrol.  Darrick and Terry dominated the race.  Firefighter Kobierowski also won the singles row at the Atlantic City Classic and at the Cape May County Lifeguard Championships this summer.  Darrick's hard work and dedication definitely paid off. The officers and members of Wildwood FMBA Local 50 are proud of Firefighter's Kobierowski's accomplishments.
Terry McGovern and Darrick Kobierowski



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