On March 18, 2011 at approximately 13:25 hours "A" platoon under the command of Capt. Gentek was dispatched to 228 E. Spencer Ave. for a report of smoke. F-301 Deputy Chief Speigel arrived on scene and reported smoke showing from a 3-story wood frame multiple dwelling. He requested dispatch to fill out the box alarm assignment (Off-Duty career, Sta. 3-1, Sta. 3-2) as well as a RIT team from Rio Grande FD Sta. 72. Upon the arrival of Engine 38, the immediately secured a water supply and stretched a 1-3/4" attack line to the second floor. Engine 38's crew performed a primary search of the second floor as they were stretching the initial attack line. They found fire conditions in the ceiling area in the rear of the second floor unit. NWFD Engine 2 arrived and was assigned to stretch a back-up line to assist Engine 38 and for the floor above. Engine 38 knocked down the bulk of the fire on the second floor. Crews found extension to the third floor in the rear. All areas were opened up and the fire extinguished. Additional box alarm companies were assigned to ventilation, overhaul, and searches. Additional mutual aid units responding were Wildwood Crest FD and Rio Grande Rescue Squad who established Rehab There were no injuries to firefighters or civilians during this fire. The cause of the fire was ruled accidental caused by combustibles located too close to a hot water heater. WFD units remained on scene for over 2 hours to complete overhaul and assist the owners in securing the property.